best led light colors for different situations

Best LED Light Colors for Different Situations in Your Daily Life

We often don’t realize it, but lights and colors have a significant impact on our well-being. It influences our day-to-day activities. Pick the right colored LED light and it can help you be more productive, happier, and alert. Pick the wrong one, and you’ll end up feeling lethargic, irritated, or dull.

Many smart LED light manufacturers have realized this, and now offer a range of colors in their products to choose from. Want to learn about the best LED light colors for different situations? Keep reading to learn about the effects of different colors on your mood.

Different LED Light Colors and Their Corresponding Situations

Have you ever wondered why certain establishments like hospitals use white light? It’s largely because white lights make the environment seem brighter and more sterile.

Similarly, other colors have specific effects in any given setting. And when you know which LED light color will have what type of effect on you, it can help you set up the right kind of light fixtures.

Here’s a guide to different LED colors and what impact they are known to have.

#1. Blue


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Blue light is part of the cooler spectrum of colors. When not used in lighting fixtures, blue is known to arouse a feeling of serenity and calm.

In lighting fixtures, however, blue LED lights are known to wake up your brain. We have all experienced difficulty falling asleep for some time after we’ve been using our computers or browsing on our phones. This is because blue light interrupts your internal body clock or circadian rhythm.

It thus makes sense to use blue LED lights for increasing and extending your productivity. This color will cause you to focus more and is highly recommended for those late-night study sessions or preparing for a presentation for the next day.

Apart from boosting your concentration, according to chromotherapy, blue LEDs can help lower high blood pressure and even ease migraines.

#2. Red


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An extraordinarily bold and warm color, red is often associated with not-so-good emotions like anger, aggression, or danger.

Ironically, red LED lighting should be a non-negotiable part of your lighting fixtures, especially in your bedroom. Red LED lights are known to improve your quality of sleep, allowing you to be well-rested.

This is a perfect LED color for those who have sleeping disorders or for those who wake up easily. Additionally, a red LED color can also be energizing if you are tired and overworked. Besides, red LED light also boosts sexual desires.

#3. Yellow


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A yellow LED light is a show stopper. Yellow is a color often associated with a happy personality, sunshine, and flowers — an automatic mood booster. A room with yellow lighting can encourage people to be more alert and creative as well as promote a better, more cheerful vibe.

You will notice yellow lights in most office spaces or stores because it fosters communication, creativity, and unity. It is also a very stimulating color and can indicate brightness and vitality.

#4. Orange


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Another uplifting and warm color, orange LED lights can promote a relaxed and calm mood. But it can also be too overwhelming and luminous, especially if you don’t have the correct orange LED hue.

Orange is a color that is associated with autumn and the constant changes of the earth. It is a welcoming and approachable color that stimulates creativity. Orange LED lights create energy without being too overpowering.

You can incorporate this light in residential homes and reception areas where you want everyone to feel welcome and comfortable.

#5. Green


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An earthy color, green has always been associated with nature and humanity. It also attracts good luck, tranquility, and fitness.

Green represents success, new beginnings, and is regarded as attracting stability, renewal, and wealth. Green is also another familiar light in hospitals because it promotes health, healing, and growth.

Using green LED lights can also improve your reading and comprehension skills because it clears the mind and allows you to absorb more information.

#6. Purple


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The color of royalty is not very common when it comes to LED lights, but it’s a color worth considering.

If you want to create a mischievous and creative environment, purple LED lights should be your first choice. This color has a mystical and almost magical vibe and can help boost creativity while adding an eccentric vibe to your space.

It’s the best choice of color if you want to give your bedroom an enchanting feel. It is also the color for luxury and wealth. Moreover, purple LED light can also help minimize mental and emotional stress.

How Colored Lighting Influences Perception and Mood

Colored Lighting Influences

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We all need light to survive. It has a direct biological effect on us that impacts our physiological health and well-being.

This same biological impact also translates to light affecting our cognition, our sleep patterns, and our mental and physical health.

Color psychology is the science of the impact of colored lighting on your mood and perception. When your eyes are exposed to specific colored lights, the optic nerves send a message to your brain and your brain starts interpreting these colors in very specific ways. The feelings and behaviors encouraged by colored lighting are usually rooted in your personal experiences.

Generally, there are three main aspects of colored light that affect us:

#1. Brightness: The amount of light that a light source gives off. The brighter the light, the more intense your emotions tend to be. Lights with lower brightness are known to provide stability and calmness.

#2. Saturation: It is colored light’s intensity. The higher the saturation, the more amplified its effects will be.

#3. Hue: It refers to the shade of the color.

When these factors are all taken into account, you can make specific choices to suit your needs. For example, we should use a red LED light in the evening as our brains are least sensitive to red wavelengths, which will help us relax and have a restful night’s sleep.

Featured image source: Pinterest.com

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