Listen To A Vintage DJ Bruce Mix For The Decades Hat Co
March 18, 2015 | Posted by: KinfolkLife | Music
New York City is not and never was not for the faint of heart, but it was also maybe never less so than in the late 90’s when the notorious Queensbridge Houses were producing some of the grimiest and most inspired hip hop music in the genre’s short history. Not too long ago Philadelphia headwear brand The Decades challenged Kinfolk regular DJ Bruce to tap into that sound and create a mix of his personal Q-boro highlights. This mix isn’t exactly what you’re going to get in a DJ Bruce set (he’s much more dynamic than just 90’s hip hop), but if you’re of a certain age or can appreciate a well curated mix, go ahead and take a trip down memory lane below. Also, you can check Bruce out for yourself this Saturday, 3.22 at Kinfolk 90.