Maggie Windler Is “The Voice” Of Kinfollk

March 4, 2014 | admin |

Having some preternatural talent like the ability to breakdance, or slip out of a pair of handcuffs or even just having all 32 teeth, isn’t really necessary to work at Kinfolk, but you’d be surprised just how many of us have things like this to brag about. One of our fairest Kinfolk maidens, Maggie Windler, has yet to actually display her talent in front of her Kinfolk family, but it’s all good because she’s all over YouTube, and also, the website of her former music group. You see, it wasn’t long ago that young Maggie was discovered as a singer via her amateur YouTube videos and whisked off to Europe to front a modeling troop disguised as an all-girl group that played classical music with a modern twist. Understand that we use the term “disguised” in the most literal sense as they actually wore masks. Also, they were called, “The Masques.” Watch Maggie explain it herself in the latest installment of “This Is Kinfolk” and check out more of our original Kinfolklife TV content here.