Keeping Your Children Safe During Playtime

Tips For Keeping Your Children Safe During Playtime

It is so refreshing when kids ask to go to the garden to play ball or enjoy the swings. It seems perfect even when they go out in the backyard to play with their toys. Parents find this wonderful because even the youngest of children today are corrupted by iPhones, laptops, and video games. Their increasing screen time is a cause for concern.

Thankfully, you can encourage kids to go outside in various ways. For instance, riding a bike is a great way to get outside and exercise. Going to the garden to play and get on swings. Having a cubby house also encourages outside play.

All this is good, but what about kids’ safety during playtime? Kids don’t care about being safe. You will see them jumping around, running at full speed, or coming down the slide the wrong way. You have to be vigilant to ensure their outdoor play time is safe. Following a few rules and tips can help you keep your children safe.

Gear up

Protecting your child’s head is essential, as most traumatic injuries in kids happen due to brain trauma. You will not even know which old head injury can lead to severe issues in the future. So, headgear is a must whether they are riding bikes or playing children’s soccer with friends. Take a look at these affordable but sturdy helmets for your kids.

Inspect the playground well.

Check the playground well before letting your kids play there. Playgrounds can have broken equipment, rusted swings, or even dangerous surfaces. All these are things the kids don’t pay much attention to. However, you should inspect them all and let the relevant person know to get them fixed.

Also, be vigilant when the kids are in the playground enjoying the swings or slides. They will call on you to see how they run or jump, so it will be easy. However, a single misstep can lead to injuries, so be close.

Be vigilant with a cubby house.

Cubby houses are making a comeback. Kids love them, and they are a great source of outdoor play. Yet, there are risks. So, when buying cubby houses online for play, follow these safety rules.

• Ensure the gates of the cubby house are easy to open. If it isn’t, the kids can become trapped inside, which you don’t want.

• Place the cubby house in an area that isn’t prone to injuries. Don’t place it in isolation. Otherwise, keeping an eye out for the kids will not be possible.

• Ensure there is a 12-meter gap on the hinged side of the gate. It will ensure the kids don’t get their fingers caught in the gap.

• Cubby houses have ventilation holes in their doors or walls. When you put them in play, ensure the holes aren’t trapped due to walls or trees.

Teach kids not to push or shove.

Pushing or shoving can lead to injuries on the playground and at home. If you have more than one kid, teach them the disadvantages of pushing or shoving each other. Tell them how pushing into the wrong thing can lead to severe injury. Teach them not to do this while at the playground, too, as it is 1000 times more dangerous.

Provide a confined space to play.

You can allow your older kids to go to their friend’s houses or play on the ground alone. But still, set some boundaries. Tell them how far they can go on their own. Also, set a time limit for them to come back home.

When it comes to younger kids, you cannot let them play alone on the ground. You have to be there. Even at home, you must be careful if they play in the backyard. Place a fence that prevents them from wandering off or deters intruders from coming inside. You will have to keep upgrading it as the kids grow.

Keep the backyard friendly.

Kids love to play in the backyard. So, let them after fencing it up. But small things can still cause injuries, so organize the backyard. For instance, leaving tools or a ladder astray can lead to injuries. Cover hot tubs or kids’ pools in a place where they cannot fall and be at risk of drowning.

Let the kids explore their surroundings. Just follow the safety rules and watch their every step.

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