Declutter Your Home the Smart Way

How to Declutter Your Home the Smart Way

Have you been looking around your home as of late and getting the feeling that you’re drowning in clutter? Does it just seem like you have a lot of ‘stuff’ with no place for it to go? It’s a common issue to have, as accumulating items over the years is only natural, but at some point, it becomes too much and a massive declutter is in order. Decluttering not only helps to clear space but it will help you to feel more organized in your daily life.

Before you tackle the rather daunting task of decluttering, we’ve got some tips for you that will ensure you declutter your home the smart way.

Take It Room by Room

Decluttering the home is nothing short of a massive task. When you look at the house as a whole and all the work you need to do, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. This is why experts suggest taking the chore one room at a time. The key is to finish with one space before moving onto the next.

As for which rooms to do first, some will be easier and faster than others so it’s really up to you. Decluttering the bigger rooms first is kind of like pulling the bandage off; it won’t be pleasant, but then you get it over and done with.

If you’re the type who likes entertaining, decluttering the social areas of the home first will make sense. This includes spaces such as the family room, dining room, living room and kitchen. The sooner you get these rooms organized, the sooner you can more comfortably host guests.

Use Three Basic Categories While Decluttering

The next tip is to use three basic categories as you work through each room. Every item you look at needs to go in one of these categories: keep, give away/donate, or toss. It seems cutthroat and that’s because it is.

Another general rule of thumb is to ask yourself if you’ve used or worn the item in the past 12 months. If you haven’t, then it’s likely time to let it go. If you’re having a hard time categorizing items, some of the questions you can ask are:

• Does the item bring you joy?
• Is the item necessary?
• Is the item your favorite?
• Do you want to pass the item down to your child?

Still Have Too Much Stuff in the House?

Even with the best intentions and a cutthroat attitude, you may still find you have too much stuff in the house to organize properly. In this case, it can be smart to look at renting a storage unit. Sometimes there are items you aren’t ready to part with, or that you know will be of use later on, or maybe they are just seasonal items that you don’t have room to store in the house.

Look for a company like Bolt Storage, which offers climate-controlled, secure storage units. This kind of storage is perfect for those who want peace of mind that their items won’t get ruined while in storage, or even stolen. The storage unit may only be a temporary need, or something you keep for the foreseeable future.

Use the One-In One-Out Rule Moving Forward

Now that your home is decluttered and organized, it can be helpful to adopt the one-in, one-out rule moving forward. What this means is that for every new item you bring into the home, one has to leave. It ensures that you don’t tip the scales and start filling up the house again.

Following all of these tips will help you to declutter smartly so you take back control of your home.

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