overcoming the fear of recovery

Overcoming The Fear of Recovery

The key to recovery comes down to the stories one tells and whether they focus on the negative or positive. So it’s not mainly what happens to us but the meaning we attribute to it.

One may fear rehab because they are ashamed of their story, while others imagine the pain they might cause on top of the one already caused. But Hervey, an addiction overcomer, says that the longer one resists, the more the addiction persists. So here’s a simplified guide on how to overcome the fear of rehab for addiction.  

How Do I Deal With My Fear of Recovery?

Acknowledging You Have the Fear

The first step to dealing with fear is acknowledging it and admitting to yourself that you are afraid. After that, root out its cause.

When you recognize and root out the cause of your fear, it becomes easier to compose a strategy for dealing with it.

Identifying the type of fear you have

The second step is identifying the type of fear you have. You can categorize it into two broad categories, logical/rational fear or unreasonable/irrational/ non-logical fear. Rational fear is the one that drives change, while the irrational one scares you; it’s exaggerated and may sometimes promote reckless behavior.  

Focus on the Present

Third, focus on what’s present. Once you identify the type of fear you have mostly (it can be what will come or what was or that you can’t picture yourself leaving the relationship you have developed with the addiction), try to focus on what’s present, which is wanting to leave the habit behind.

Focus on feeling that desire to leave the habit, allowing it to run deep in your thoughts. Here’s a trick, if you must focus on what will come, picture yourself not addicted and what you want to become. 

Spend Quality Time With Close Friends and Relatives

Fourth, spend quality time with your inner circle. Try talking to them about it. Consider looking for someone who will keep you accountable. If you have more eyes on you, chances of “getting away” from the process will minimize. Again, think of the much good you want to have in your life without the addiction. 

Seek Professional Help From the Experts

Fifth, ask for professional help. If you feel your attempt is failing, consider seeking professional help. Usually, it shouldn’t get here because the inner fire burning against the addiction is usually enough. But if you feel the habit is out of hand, consider seeking medical help or a therapist, or click here to get help. 

Why Is Recovery So Scary?

Most people who feel recovery is overly scary have tied their identity with the addiction. So much so that they can’t imagine life without the addicting agent or picture life where the substance is not an essential factor in their‌ life. So the life that comes to mind when they think they’ll leave the substance isn’t always a picture of a sober and happy person but frightening.

The feeling is like telling them to leave who they are and become a stranger. But what’s critical to note is that recovery is like stepping into an unknown space requiring a ton of courage and a press into sobriety. And it’s always worth it in the long run.

How Do You Train Yourself to Overcome Fear?

The first step in overcoming fear is allowing yourself hope every day. When you change the “I am this and that,” for example I am addicted, to “I have,” you open yourself to hope. It doesn’t minimize the situation’s complexity but reminds you that you are not your addiction. 

Next, search for things you are grateful for and think about them daily. That will help you remove your focus from things that cause fear.  

Finally, meditate. Find your inner peace and clarity on things through meditation. Meditation is a daily habit that keeps you from daily stressors. If you find it hard, check YouTube for guided meditation tutorials, and you’ll be all set. 

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