Septic Tank Needs Repair

5 Warning Symptoms Your Septic Tank Needs Repair Right Away

As your home’s septic system works to manage wastewater, it needs some TLC now and then. This maintenance can help keep your home healthy and prevent expensive problems like sewage backups. Sewage backups in your toilets, bathtubs, or sinks signify an overflowing septic tank that requires pumping. The following warning signs are often the first to appear:

Water Pooling

When water pools around a septic tank, it is often a sign that the septic system needs to be pumped. Wastewater will back up through drain lines and into the home if it can’t get past the tank. The reason wastewater cannot exit the septic tank easily is that it can become clogged by non-biodegradable waste like baby wipes, feminine hygiene products, paper towels, and grease or oil that gets poured down drains.

These should be appropriately disposed of in a trash can; do not flush them down the drain. Occasionally, a septic company can add a bacterial additive that helps the bacteria in the septic tank work better. It is a simple thing to do and can help extend the life of your septic system.

Sewer Backups

Sewage backups can be complicated to clean up and can lead to costly repairs in your home. They also create humid conditions that can lead to the growth of mold and mildew. Hiring septic services to regularly inspect your sewer line and properly dispose of grease is needed to avoid sewer backups.

You should also avoid illegal connections to your sewer pipe and trim tree roots around the house. If you suspect your sewer line has backed up, look for signs of a problem, such as a foul odor that smells like sewage or bubbles in sink and tub drains. Also, look for wetness around floor drains in the basement or garage. If you see these symptoms, call a plumber immediately. There are many causes of a sewer line backup, some of which are out of your control.

Well Water

Unlike city water filtered through public pipes, well water is directly sourced from the ground. As a result, it’s more likely to pick up contaminants from the surrounding environment. It includes agricultural chemicals, alkaline minerals, road salt, nitrates, and sewage. A funky taste or odor in your healthy water can indicate something’s wrong with the septic tank, drain field, or both.

A chemical or metallic taste could indicate elevated iron levels, while a rotten egg odor may point to hydrogen sulfide contamination. Frequent standing water in your yard could mean the tank or drain field is clogged and overburdened. If this is the case, a professional should be called immediately to resolve the problem before it worsens.

Slow Drains

You should inspect your main sewer line if you observe that the drains in your house are emptying slowly. Slow-draining drains typically indicate a blockage or clog in the pipes, which can develop into a significant problem that requires expensive repairs and backups. The occasional clog of your shower, bathtub, or sink can be remedied using a drain snake, baking soda, and vinegar.

Still, it’s essential to take any recurring issues seriously! Not only could they lead to significant water damage, but they can also result in broken water pipes. Soggy areas in your yard indicate a sewer drain problem that must be addressed immediately. It’s also important to watch what you put down the drains; avoid flushing items other than toilet paper and food scraps.

Foul Odors

A home septic system is meant to decompose waste safely, and when it’s not being maintained properly, there could be a severe problem. One of the most significant warning signs is foul odors. If you smell sewage or rotten eggs coming from your drains, toilets, or yard, this is a sure sign that it’s time to get your septic tank inspected and pumped.

Foul odors are often caused by hydrogen sulfide gasses escaping your septic tank and entering your house or yard. This toxic substance has a rotten egg scent and can be extremely dangerous to breathe in high concentrations. It can even cause headaches and nausea in some people. Keeping your septic tank pumped regularly and flushing only septic-safe waste is essential.

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